That’s a Wrap


A local tradition in Melton has become a regular outside broadcast for 979fm. Early November each year equals the Djerriwarrh Festival. Standard operating procedure is a complete broadcast of the annual street parade and a quick changeover to broadcasts of performances from the main stages and other festivities.

2012 was the third year across two locations with the street parade down High Street Melton and the remainder of attractions across the Melton Police Paddocks and the Melton Recreation Reserve requiring quick timing and precision movements for our tech guys and broadcast volunteers. This year the Bigger Yellow Bus came in handy.

Once more the dedicated duo of Jason Wilson and Kaye Nicholls pulled off the broadcast of the street parade in style with assistance from Selena Sevcuk, Anthony Barnes and Karen Wright with the broadcast ably conducted by Colin Vinten, Robert Blackman, Johnny Soprano, Leigh Stancliffe, Wade Lester, Carolyn MacGavin and Jason Wilson.

The broadcast from the main festivities has its own difficulties with the broadcast of live acts from the main stage, live interviews with the public, the broadcast of filler programming between such acts and the marketing of our station to a wider audience. We were lucky at this year’s broadcast to secure live interviews with the Melton Idol winners, Melbourne a Capella sensation Mint 26, Bonnie Anderson and Australian rock legend Jon Stevens.

Thanks to everyone who was involved in this year’s broadcast and we look forwarded to even bigger and better things for the 2013 Djerriwarrh Festival.


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