Vale Djordje (George) Sibic


979fm Melton Community Radio are sad to announce the passing of Djordje (George) Sibic, former presenter of 979fm’s Serbian program and long standing Ethnic Coordinator, who passed away on Monday after a battle with cancer. He was a long time member of 3RIM 979fm and was a tireless worker both at the station and in the Serbian community of greater Melbourne. He will be missed

Here are the funeral details:
SIBIC. The Funeral Service for the late Mr Djordje Sibic will be held at Svete Trojice Serbian Orthodox Church, Glenlyon Rd, Brunswick on FRIDAY (Oct. 16, 2015) at 11.00 a. m. Following the Service, the cortege will proceed to the Elaine Cemetery, Horsehill Rd, Elaine for Burial

Farewell George from everyone at 979fm

George Sibic 5George Sibic and wife Lily at 979fm’s 30th birthday in 2010


  1. I would like to thank all those that had attended the beautiful ceremony of Djordje Sibic’s funeral and burial of his body in the holy grounds of our Saint Sava Monastery in Elaine. I would like for one, to let the WHOLE WORLD know that a GREAT MAN who was named DJORDJE SIBIC had passed away on Monday 12th 2015. The Family would like to thank all those, not only for attending, But REMEMBERING
    DJORDJE SIBIC as the MAN he was to each and everyone of you.
    May God Bless you ALL.
    Leeroy, thanks, Dad would’ve loved knowing he was REMEMBERED by you ALL…………..


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